Vanessa Gray

What is your role at ResMed?

I am a Junior Soft Goods Fashion Designer for the Concepts Engine within Research and Technology (R&T). With my degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, I possess skills in making garments and designing textiles. My background in sewing has been extremely helpful to the team because it brings our textile ideas to life with greater believability. There is never a shortage of textile work my manager also allows me to have creative freedom and choose the projects I find most interesting. In my time here at ResMed so far, I have been able to collaborate with other departments (User Testing, Marketing and Project Management) and build relationships as well as gain an understanding of what it takes to take an idea to market. The opportunity to work closely with suppliers has also opened up another world for me, allowing me to explore opportunities I never would have had otherwise.


Why did you join ResMed?

I joined ResMed because it would allow me to use my skills in a different industry. However, I soon realized that the fashion industry had a quite a long path for me to grow into more senior positions, so I wanted to try something new. I started as an intern to test out the waters but came to realize how interesting and challenging this line of work could be. The most rewarding aspect about what we do here is being able to problem-solve under tight constraints and being given all the tools and resources to solve it – there’s nothing better than coming up with creative solutions!


What is it like working at ResMed?

I love working at ResMed because everyone has a voice and the whole team contributes to make our crazy ideas happen. Due to the experimental nature of my role, my tasks are always changing, forcing me to learn new skills every day. This drives personal growth through continuous learning. In our team, we are constantly challenged to think outside-the-box so that we can solve unique problems in an innovative way; this is achieved through immersive workshops where we can leverage our unique perspectives and brainstorm together.